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Chesterfield High School

Student Voice

Student Voice

At Chesterfield High School we are very proud of our students and we find a number of ways where their views are taken into account to help with the strategic development of the school.

Form representative assist form tutors in numerous events including day to day logistics, charity, social and sporting events. Students play an active role in the selection of rewards events and Progress Leaders work closely with form tutors to ensure views are taken into consideration.

There are a number of ways in which the voice of the students is heard; students regularly complete questionnaires and work within a student forum to assess Teaching & Learning within the classroom, review current procedures and even interview potential employees.

Chesterfield High School take the view of the child very seriously

Raising issues

Don’t forget, that as always, you can speak to your form tutor or any member of staff you feel happy to approach about any problems or worries you may have.