Mental Health and Wellbeing
Students mental health and wellbeing is at the forefront of all of our minds at Chesterfield and we do our best as a whole school community to ensure that we look out for and care for each other. However, at times some students may struggle with everyday life and the pressure of studying and school is here to support them. We provide a comprehensive education package of assemblies, tutor time activities and PHSE lessons to help students understand what good mental health and wellbeing looks like and when/ how to identify issues and seek support when necessary.
We have a large Pastoral Team who work closely with parents/ carers and students to offer emotional and wellbeing support. As part of Seftons Mental Health Support Team, we work closely with external organisations to provide bespoke support for individuals requiring it. This includes online support using national advice and counselling agencies, in-school counselling services, group wellbeing sessions, referrals to Venus and the Star Centre and Early Help.
Anyone who is concerned about their own or another person’s mental health or wellbeing can talk confidentially to their Student Support Manager who will alert the Health and Wellbeing Team for support
Mental Health
For information on support services available to young people in Sefton visit:-
Access Sefton
A free confidential service, commissioned by the NHS. The service is available to anyone aged 16+ and registered with a Sefton G.P. For more information call 0300 303 2708 or visit
The Star Centre
The Star Centre (provided by Venus) opened in June 2017. They provide a place where young people up to the age of 18 can access information and advice on mental health issues, as well as group support and a variety of therapies. For more information call 0151 474 4744 or visit
What's on at the Star Thornton
Parents guide on teenage depression
Within this parent’s guide to teenage depression, Priory Group’s child and adolescent psychiatrist Dr Hayley van Zwanenberg looks at what can cause depression in young people and how it can feel for them. She also outlines the warning signs of teenage depression and highlights where parents and carers can turn for support.
Priory Group has a young people’s mental health service, and is dedicated to providing the best mental health support for children and adolescents.
A free confidential telephone helpline which takes calls from victims, parents or from people with information about the bullying of children. The Merseyside based team can also provide practical advice and can act as a mediator between the organisation where the bullying is taking place and the parents/carer of the child involved. For more information call 0800 169 6928 or visit
Additional support and information available
Mental Health/Anxiety – Information for Young People and Families about CAMHS and mental health. –Support for parents/ carers and young people in relation to mental health. –Self-help website to Young people with depression, anxiety, anger, panic, stress, bereavement, phobias, traumatic stress, sleep problems, obsession and compulsions. – Self-help website for young people and parents/carers to support with anxiety – Self-help website for ADHD, anger, anxiety, pain, suicidal thoughts, depression, flashbacks, self-esteem, OCD, panic, problem solving, psychosis, relationships, stress.
Advice & Support/Counselling – Online counselling support to young people – Support to Young people – information, advice and guidance support
Self Harm –Support for young people who self-harm
Eating Disorders – Beat is the UK’s leading charity supporting anyone affected by eating disorders, anorexia, bulimia, EDNOS or any other difficulties with food, weight and shape
Sexuality – Information and support to Transgender individuals
Voices/Visions – Support to children/ young people who hear voices, sees visions or have unusual sensory experiences