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Chesterfield High School

Ethos & Values

Values & Ethos

Our vision is simple. We believe that the whole point of schools is that students come first and everything we do must reflect this single goal. What drives us is a strong desire to raise standards for all students by sustaining and enhancing performance and developing the whole child. It is our belief that students  can only maximise their potential in a school that enables personalised pathways and set very challenging targets for everyone. We feel that students can only learn in an orderly school. We will not tolerate bullying. We set clear boundaries for behaviour and high expectations for everyone. We know that students can only succeed in good lessons, we support our staff with targeted professional development. We understand the need to recognise more than academic achievement. Raising self-esteem helps engage students, and provides the motivation to work. It’s about equity, it’s about life chances, it’s all about putting students first. 

For everyone the best.