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Chesterfield High School

The School Day

The School Day


1st Break (Yr 7, 8 & 10)

2nd Break (Yr 9, 11 & 6th Form)

Start of school day

Use Year specific entrance

Year 7-9 line up in Fire drill locations


(8:30am – 8:50am)

Each year follows PDW schedule

Period 1


Same for all year groups


Period 2 (A)


Break: 9:50am–10:10am

Lesson: 10:10am-11:10am


Period 2 (B)



Lesson: 9:50am–10:50am

Break: 10:50am-11:10am

Period 3


Same for all year groups

Period 4 (A)


Lunch: 12:10pm–1:00pm

Lesson: 1:00pm-2:00pm


Period 4 (B)



Lesson: 12:10pm–1:10pm

Lunch: 1:10pm-2:00pm

Period 5 (2-3pm)

Same for all year groups

End of school day

Students dismissed at 3pm