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Chesterfield High School

Special Education Needs (SEND)

Special Education Needs (SEND)

The Headteacher, the Assistant Headteacher responsible for Quality First Teaching and the school’s SENDCO, Assistant Headteachers Mr Duffy and Mrs Rannard (Mat Leave) have responsibility for co-ordinating and monitoring the progress of the pupils identified with Special educational needs and disability.

Chesterfield High School provides support for students with Special Educational Needs within a mainstream setting as outlined in the Special Education Needs Policy which can be viewed on our policy page.

This Special Needs Policy follows guidelines set by the Code of Practice from the DfE, in place since September 2014. This policy will be monitored and evaluated according to changes within the Code of Practice as and when they arise.

Our vision is to enable all our students to develop confident and independent learners in their time at Chesterfield High School in order to reach their full potential, whatever their ability and to be proud of their achievements at school and to be equipped to succeed in their lives in the future. All students at Chesterfield High School are included in the school vision.

The Special Educational Needs Coordinator and can be contacted at school by phone on 0151 924 6454 or by email send@chesterfieldhigh.co.uk

 You can find details of Sefton's Local Offer here:

Sefton Local Offer

Education Experiences of Young People with SEND

Below you will find some useful links:

school website info.pdf

