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Chesterfield High School


Sixth Form Support

The Sixth Form Team

We want your time at Chesterfield High School Sixth Form to be happy and productive. The Sixth Form Progress Leader, two dedicated Student Support Managers, Sixth Form tutors and specialist subject teachers all operate in close consultation to give you the support and guidance you need with every step of your journey. You will meet your personal tutor twice a day. This offers you 1-to-1 advice and guidance on a regular basis.


We are a multi-ethnic, multi-talented and multi-faith community. Assembly takes place at least once a week, and gives all of our students time to reflect on the challenging questions that life offers. 


We appreciate that there are changes as you move from Year 11 into Year 12, and we want to ensure that you feel safe and secure during your time with us. The weekly Personal Development sessions are designed to offer a programme of support and insight into social influences which may impact on your individual well-being