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Chesterfield High School

Parent/Carer Forum

Parent/Carer Forum

What is the Parent Carer Forum?

The Chesterfield High School brings together parents, carers, school staff and other members of the school community to support the school.  A group of parents and carers who meet once a term to discuss school-related issues.

A Parent’s Forum provides a valuable way to listen to the  ideas and concerns of families and seek their views, helping to make sure the needs of children and their families are met.

Meetings led by school staff and governors, usually by the Deputy Headteacher (s) and the Parent Governor Representatives. A genuine opportunity for open discussion according to a pre-published agenda.


What is the Purpose of the Parent and Carer Forum?

The Parent and Carer Forum has 2 main aims:
  • To develop a partnership between the school and Parents/Carers in order to promote and support the pupils’ learning and to bring about change
  • To give parents a voice and foster a culture of ownership and participation

In addition to the aims, the Forum looks to:

  • Work closely with the Governing Body and School Leadership Team to ensure an open and beneficial dialogue exists.
  • Encourage closer links between home and school, helping Parents and Carers engage with their children’s learning.
  • Assist Governors, teachers and staff by commenting on new initiatives, drawing attention to areas of concern and contributing to solutions.
  • Enhance communication with and between all members of the school community.
  • Develop and disseminate ideas that improve the life of Chesterfield High School.

Protocols for the Parents’ Forum.

Agenda items should be tabled before the forum the agenda for each meeting will be published on the school’s website and via the school app.

Parents & carers will be asked to register their interest in attending the next forum via parentsforum@chesterfieldhigh.co.uk

Please note that all issues, whether you raise them yourself or on behalf of other parents/carers, should be general issues, not related to a specific child, teacher or incident.

If you have specific concerns about your child your first point of contact should always be their Form Teacher/ Progress Leader or the Subject Leader/Head of Department.